CS 61A : Vectors I CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between programming languages, using functional and rule-based languages as examples. It also relates these techniques to the practical problems of implementation of languages and algorithms on a von Neumann machine. There are several significant programming projects, programmed in a dialect of the LISP language.
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Channels: Computer Science
Tags: uc berkeley computer science cs 61A course class yt:quality=high
Uploaded by: berkeleycs61a ( Send Message ) on 04-09-2012.
Duration: 51m 35s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of berkeley
Lec 1 - CS 61A Functional Programming I
Lec 2 - CS 61A Functional Programming II
Lec 3 - CS 61A : Functions of Functions
Lec 4 - CS 61A : Higher-Order Procedures
Lec 5 - CS 61A : Recursion and Iteration II
Lec 6 - CS 61A : UI Recursion and Iteration III
Lec 7 - CS 61A : Data Abstraction, Sequences Calculator I
Lec 8 - CS 61A : Data Abstraction, Sequences Calculator II
Lec 9 - CS 61A : Data Abstraction, Sequences Calculator III
Lec 10 - CS 61A Lecture 12: Hierarchical Data
Lec 11 - CS 61A Lecture 13: Hierarchical Data II
Lec 12 - CS 61A Lecture 14: Interpreter
Lec 13 - CS 61A : Generic Operators I
Lec 14 - CS 61A : Generic Operators II
Lec 15 - CS 61A : Object-Oriented Programming I
Lec 16 - CS 61A : Object-Oriented Programming II
Lec 17 - CS 61A : Object-Oriented Programming III
Lec 18 - CS 61A : Assignment, State, Environments I
Lec 19 - CS 61A : Assignment, State, Environments II
Lec 20 - CS 61A : Mutable Data
Lec 22 - CS 61A : Assignment, State, Environments III
Lec 24 - CS 61A : Client Server
Lec 25 - CS 61A : Concurrency I
Lec 26 - CS 61A : Concurrency II
Lec 28 - CS 61A : Shell Programming I
Lec 29 - CS 61A : Metacircular Evaluation I
Lec 30 - CS 61A : Shell Programming II
Lec 31 - CS 61A : Metacircular Evaluation II
Lec 33 - CS 61A : Mapreduce II
Lec 34 - CS 61A : Analyzing Eval
Lec 36 - CS 61A : Lazy Evaluation I
Lec 37 - CS 61A : Nondeterministic Evaluation
Lec 38 - CS 61A : Logic Programming I