Law 270.6 Public Utilities & Rate Regulation: Intro to Finance Law 270.6 - Lecture 2 - Public Utilities & Rate Regulation: Introduction to Finance and Regulatory Economics January 24, 2008 Basic financial concepts; basic economics of competitive and monopoly markets; introduction to how regulation addresses natural monopoly. A brief introduction to monopoly, cost of service regulation; historical origins, cases, and commentary; major players.
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Channels: Physics (General)
Tags: uc berkeley ucberkeley course law ccelp public utilities rate regulation finance regulatory economics yt:quality=high Steve Weissman LAW 270.6 environmental law energy law energy resource plannin
Uploaded by: berkeleyenergysp ( Send Message ) on 04-09-2012.
Duration: 161m 48s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of berkeley
Lec 1 - Law 270.6 Introduction to Energy and Electricity
Lec 3 - Law 270.6 Public Utilities & Rate Regulation: Cost of Service Regulation (Part 1)
Lec 4 - Law 270.6 Public Utilities & Rate Regulation: Cost of Service Regulation (Part 1)
Lec 5 - Law 270.6 Public Utilities and Rate Regulation
Lec 6 - Law 270.6 Resource Alternatives: Tradition Fuels, Oil and Hydroelectric Power
Lec 7 - Law 270.6 Resource Alternatives: Natural Gas
Lec 8 - Law 270.6 Resource Alternatives: Renewable Energy - The Technologies
Lec 9 - Law 270.6 Demand Side Management: Energy Efficiency
Lec 10 - Law 270.6 Performance Based Ratemaking and Decoupling; and Integrate
Lec 11 - Law 270.6 Deregulation and Markets: Wholesale Electricity Markets
Lec 12 - Law 270.6 Climate Change and Carbon Markets;
Lec 13 - Law 270.6 Course Review
Lec 14 - Deregulation and Markets & Env Impacts of Restructuring