EE290f Bending Magnet Critical Photon Energy, Undulator Central Radiation Cone EE 290F Synchrotron Radiation for Materials Science Applications (Sp 07) Lecture 9 - Bending Magnet Critical Photon Energy, Undulator Central Radiation Cone
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Channels: Electrical engineering
Tags: uc ucberkeley university california berkeley lecture science yt:quality=high
Uploaded by: berkeleyeleengsp ( Send Message ) on 04-09-2012.
Duration: 83m 15s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of berkeley
Lec 1 - EE290f Introduction to Synchroton Radiation
Lec 2 - EE290f X-Ray Interaction with Matter: Absorption, Scattering, Refraction
Lec 4 - EE290f Radiation by an Accelerated Charge: Scattering by Free and Bound Electrons
Lec 5 - EE290f Multi-Electron Atom, Atomic Scattering Factors: Wave Propagation and Refractive Index
Lec 8 - EE290f Introduction to Synchroton Radiation, Bending Magnet Radiation
Lec 10 - EE290f Undulator Equation and Radiated Power
Lec 11 - EE290f Spectral Brightness of Undulator Radiation, Harmonics, Wiggler Radiation
Lec 12 - EE290f Spatial and Temporal Coherence; Coherent Undulator Radiation
Lec 13 - EE290f Applications of Coherent Undulator Radiation
Lec 14 - EE290f Visit the Advanced Light Source, Berkeley (ALS); Tony Warwick
Lec 17 - EE290f X-Ray Diffraction for Materials Analysis - given by Dr. Simon Clark, ALS/LBNL
Lec 18 - EE290f Photoemission and Photoemission Spectroscopy - given by Dr. Zahid Hussain, ALS/LBNL
Lec 19 - EE290f Angle Resolved Photoemission and Non-ARPES - given by Dr. Eli Rotenberg, ALS/LBNL
Lec 20 - EE290f Photo-Emission Electron Microscopy (PEEM) - given by Dr. Andreas Scholl, ALS/LBNL
Lec 21 - EE290f X-Rays and Magnetism - Given by Prof. Jochim Stohr, Stanford University
Lec 22 - EE290f XMCD - Out-of-Plan Bending Magnetic Radiation - given by Brooke Mesler, UC Berkeley
Lec 23 - EE290f Zone Plate Microscopy and Applications
Lec 24 - EE290f Nanoscale Magnetic Imaging - Given by Dr. Peter Fisher - CXRO/LBNL
Lec 26 - EE290f X-Ray Microtomography - given by Dr. Alastair MacDowell, ALS/LBNL
Lec 28 - EE290f Student Presentations