This is lecture 10 of Integrative Biology 131, General Human Anatomy, Fall 2005 Season Course and it is provided by University of California, Berkeley. Integrative Biology 131: General Human Anatomy. Fall 2005. Professor Marian Diamond. The functional anatomy of the human body as revealed by gross and microscopic examination. The Department of Integrative Biology offers a program of instruction that focuses on the integration of structure and function in the evolution of diverse biological systems. It investigates integration at all levels of organization from molecules to the biosphere, and in all taxa of organisms from viruses to higher plants and animals. The department uses many traditional fields and levels of complexity in forging new research directions, asking new questions, and answering traditional questions in new ways. The various...
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Channels: Cell Biology
Tags: Education ib 131 webcast uc berkeley cal anatomy human body integrative biology course class yt:quality=high
Uploaded by: berkeleyanatomy ( Send Message ) on 04-09-2012.
Duration: 49m 14s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of berkeley
Lec - 1 Integrative Biology 131 Organization of Body
Lec - 2 Integrative Biology 131 Skeletal System
Lec - 3 Integrative Biology 131 Skeletal System
Lec - 4 Integrative Biology 131 Skeletal System
Lec - 5 Integrative Biology 131 Skeletal System
Lec - 6 Integrative Biology 131 Skeletal System
Lec - 7 Integrative Biology 131 Skeletal System
Lec - 8 Integrative Biology 131 Skeletal System,...
Lec - 9 Integrative Biology 131 Muscular System
Lec - 11 Integrative Biology 131 Muscular System
Lec - 12 Integrative Biology 131 Hematology
Lec - 13 Integrative Biology 131 Hematology
Lec - 14 Integrative Biology 131 Hematology,...
Lec - 15 Integrative Biology 131 Blood Vascular System
Lec - 16 Integrative Biology 131 Blood Vascular System
Lec - 17 Integrative Biology 131 Lymphatic System
Lec - 18 Integrative Biology 131 Respiratory System
Lec - 19 Integrative Biology 131 Review
Lec - 20 Integrative Biology 131 Respiratory System
Lec - 21 Integrative Biology 131 Neurohistology
Lec - 22 Integrative Biology 131 Neurohistology,...
Lec - 23 Integrative Biology 131 Development of...
Lec - 24 Integrative Biology 131 Spinal Cord and...
Lec - 25 Integrative Biology 131 Peripheral Nerves
Lec - 26 Integrative Biology 131 Peripheral Nerves
Lec - 27 Integrative Biology 131 Sensory and Motor...
Lec - 28 Integrative Biology 131 Motor Pathways and...
Lec - 29 Integrative Biology 131 Forebrain
Lec - 30 Integrative Biology 131 Eye
Lec - 31 Integrative Biology 131 Review
Lec - 32 Integrative Biology 131 Digestive System
Lec - 33 Integrative Biology 131 Digestive System
Lec - 34 Integrative Biology 131 Digestive, Urinary Sys
Lec - 35 Integrative Biology 131 Urinary System
Lec - 36 Integrative Biology 131 Endocrine System
Lec - 37 Integrative Biology 131 Endocrine, Female...