Lec 5 - Genomics and Personalized Medicine

"Lec 5 - Genomics and Personalized Medicine" (October 20, 2009) Michael Snyder, Professor of Genetics and Chair of the Department of Genetics at Stanford, discusses advances in gene sequencing, the impact of genomics on medicine, the potential for personalized medicine. and efforts at Stanford to further study these issues. Stanford Mini Med School is a series arranged and directed by Stanford's School of Medicine, and presented by the Stanford Continuing Studies program. Featuring more than thirty distinguished, faculty, scientists and physicians from Stanford's medical school, the series offers students a dynamic introduction to the world of human biology, health and disease, and the groundbreaking changes taking place in medical research and health care. Stanford University http://www.stanford.edu Stanford University School of Medicine http://med.stanford.edu Stanford Continuing Studies http://continuingstudies.stanford.edu Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanford

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