"Lec 20 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)" Lecture 20 by Julie Zelenski for the Programming Abstractions Course (CS106B) in the Stanford Computer Science Department. Julie continues discussing Vector and moves on to stack and queue, covering chapter ten in the course textbook. She goes over several rules for templates again to reinforce how important they are. Complete Playlist for the Course: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=FE6E58F856038C69 CS 106B Course Website: http://cs106b.stanford.edu Stanford Center for Professional Development: http://scpd.stanford.edu/ Stanford University: http://www.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanforduniversity/
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Channels: Computer Science
Tags: computer science technology software engineering c++ programming language lecture 20 template chapter 10 vector stack implementers
Uploaded by: stanfordproabs ( Send Message ) on 03-09-2012.
Duration: 51m 0s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of stanford
Lec 1 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 2 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 3 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 4 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 5 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 6 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 7 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 8 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 9 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 10 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 11 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 12 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 13 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 14 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 15 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 16 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 17 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 18 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 19 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 21 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 22 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 23 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 24 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)
Lec 25 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford)