"Lec 13 - Paradise Lost, Book III" Milton (ENGL 220) In this second lecture on Book Three of Paradise Lost, the dialogue between God and the Son in heaven is explored with particular attention paid to Milton's modification of the Calvinist theory of predestination. The terms and implications of Milton's attempt to justify the ways of God to man are considered. Milton's misgivings regarding the doctrine of the Trinity are examined, and the relationship between his theology and seventeenth-century political movements is expounded upon. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction: Milton's Vindication of God 09:55 - Chapter 2. The Faculty of Free Will 25:52 - Chapter 3. A Dialogue in Heaven between Father and Son Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2007.
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Tags: doctrine Trinity Jacobus Arminius Jean Calvin John Locke Levellers liberalism sacrifice sovereign subordinationism theodicy
Uploaded by: yalemilton ( Send Message ) on 02-09-2012.
Duration: 48m 53s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Introduction: Milton, Power, and the Power of Milton
Lec 10 - God and Mammon: The Wealth of Literary Memory
Lec 15 - Paradise Lost, Books V-VI
Lec 16 - Paradise Lost, Books VII-VIII
Lec 17 - Paradise Lost, Book IX
Lec 18 - Paradise Lost, Books IX-X
Lec 19 - Paradise Lost, Books XI-XII
Lec 20 - Paradise Lost, Books XI-XII (cont.)
Lec 21 - Paradise Regained, Books I-II