Lec 7- Review and Q and A, NO LAB, LAB EXA. General Biology Laboratory
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Channels: Molecular Biology Structural Biology
Tags: uc berkeley ucberkeley webcast.berkeley cal Spring 2010
Uploaded by: ucbbio1al ( Send Message ) on 01-09-2012.
Duration: 82m 41s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of UCBerkeley
Lec1- Lab 1 - Safety, Micropipetter, Microscope, Cells and Vibrio isolation.
Lec2- Lab 2 - Enzymes, Microbiology-Vibri
Lec 3- Lab 3 - Vibrio streaking, Photosynt
Lec 4- Lab 4 - Complementation I, Genetics
Lec 5- Lab 5 - Complementation II PCR anal
Lec 6- Lab 6 - Complementation III, Bioin
Lec 9- Lab 8 - Invertebrates I.