"Lec 7 - Cell Communication and Immunology" Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering (BENG 100) Professor Saltzman talks about cell communication, specifically ligand-receptor interactions that are important in maintaining homeostasis in the body. Different types of receptors and ligands, the nature of their interactions and ways to apply this into developing drugs are discussed (eg. Aldopa, Taximofen, beta-blockers). Next, Professor Saltzman talks about kinases, phosphatases, cyclic AMP and the mechanism of switching protein states. Three categories of cell communication signals are introduced: autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine. Finally, an example of cell communication using regulation/response to blood sugar level is presented. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Overview of Cell Communication 07:39 - Chapter 2. Mechanisms of Cell Communication 16:27 - Chapter 3. Agonists and Antagonists 21:31 - Chapter 4. Receptors 28:02 - Chapter 5. Protein Signal Transduction 34:54 - Chapter 6. Autocrines, Paracrines, Endocrines Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2008.
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Channels: Others
Tags: autocrine cell communication cyclic AMP endocrine kindase ligand paracrine phosphatase receptor
Uploaded by: yalefrontbio ( Send Message ) on 31-08-2012.
Duration: 46m 46s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - What Is Biomedical Engineering?
Lec 2 - What Is Biomedical Engineering? (cont.)
Lec 4 - Genetic Engineering (cont.)
Lec 5 - Cell Culture Engineering
Lec 6 - Cell Culture Engineering (cont.)
Lec 8 - Cell Communication and Immunology (cont.)
Lec 9 - Biomolecular Engineering: Engineering of Immunity
Lec 10 - Biomolecular Engineering: Engineering of Immunity (cont.)
Lec 11 - Biomolecular Engineering: General Concepts
Lec 12 - Biomolecular Engineering: General Concepts (cont.)
Lec 13 - Cardiovascular Physiology
Lec 14 - Cardiovascular Physiology (cont.)
Lec 15 - Cardiovascular Physiology (cont.)
Lec 17 - Renal Physiology (cont.)
Lec 18 - Biomechanics and Orthopedics
Lec 19 - Biomechanics and Orthopedics (cont.)
Lec 23 - Tissue Engineering (cont.)