Lec 26 - Assessing the changing effects of moose and deer browsing on forest ecosystems - Harvard Forest

Lec 26 - Assessing the changing effects of moose and deer browsing on forest ecosystems - Harvard Forest. Assessing the changing effects of moose and deer browsing on forest ecosystems -- Ed Faison March 15, 2011

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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Harvard University

Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - Building Bubbles: Surprising insights into how molecules move in and out of cells

Lec 2 - Our Microbes, Ourselves: Gut Bacteria's Key Role in Immunity Is Tuned to the Host Species

Lec 3 - Time Lapse of Harvard's Largest Solar Project Being Installed at Harvard Athletics

Lec 4 - Harvard Thinks Green 2012 Promotional Video

Lec 5 - How to Tell a Star's Real Age - Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Lec 6 - Engineering for Life

Lec 7 - Engineering for Society

Lec 8 - Engineering the Harvard Way

Lec 9 - CS50 Fair

Lec 10 - Hack Harvard

Lec 11 - Engineering a Solution

Lec 12 - The Science of Cooking

Lec 13 - Science and Cooking: A Dialogue | Lecture 1 (2010)

Lec 14 - Integrating long-term experiments & measurements - Harvard Forest

Lec 15 - Stream biogeochemistry - Harvard Forest - Science video

Lec 16 - Fluxes between the forest & atmosphere - Harvard Forest

Lec 17 - The water cycle and real-time data - Harvard Forest

Lec 18 - Discussion of Emerging Directions - Harvard Forest

Lec 19 - The past and future of future scenarios in LTER - Harvard Forest

Lec 20 - Integrating boundary-spanning efforts into long-term ecological research - Harvard Forest

Lec 21 - Landowner conservation awareness, and information exchange and decision making - Harvard Forest

Lec 22 - Exploring the influence of land use policy on forest cover and land conservation - Harvard Forest

Lec 23 - Boston ULTRA-Ex: Metabolism across urban-to-rural gradients - Harvard Forest

Lec 24 - Human Health and Global Change - Harvard Forest

Lec 25 - Vegetation response to episodic disturbance - Harvard Forest

Lec 27 - Foundation tree species loss - Harvard Forest

Lec 28 - Microbial Ecology at Harvard Forest - Harvard Forest

Lec 29 - Opening Remarks at the 22nd Annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium - Harvard Forest

Lec 30 - The Forum at HSPH: Mammograms: Who in the World are they Good For?

Lec 31 - From Biopolymer Translocation to Hemodynamics: New Challenges in Multiscale Computing

Lec 32 - Medical Imaging Computing: From Data to Understanding

Lec 33 - Mapping the Human Genome: Ten Years After

Lec 34 - An Introduction to Computational Multiphysics II: Theoretical Background Part II

Lec 35 - An Introduction to Computational Multiphysics II: Theoretical Background Part I

Lec 36 - An Introduction to Computational Multiphysics II: Examples/Applications Part I

Lec 37 - Brain Science & Society: Thinking about the Future

Lec 38 - Creative Ceilings | Lecture 12 (2010)

Lec 39 - Cultivating Flavor: A Recipe for the Recipe | Lecture 11 (2010)

Lec 40 - Meat Glue Mania | Lecture 10 (2010)

Lec 41 - At last, the edible science fair

Lec 42 - Arnold Arboretum: Winter Tree Tour

Lec 43 - An Introduction to Computational Multiphysics: Theoretical Background Part 2

Lec 44 - An Introduction to Computational Multiphysics: Selected Applications Part 2

Lec 45 - An Introduction to Computational Multiphysics: Selected Applications Part 1

Lec 46 - Browning & Oxidations | Lecture 9 (2010)

Lec 47 - Gelation | Lecture 8 (2010)

Lec 48 - Emulsions: Concept of Stabilizing Oil & Water | Lecture 7 (2010)

Lec 49 - Reinventing Food Texture & Flavor | Lecture 6 (2010)

Lec 50 - Heat, Temperature and Chocolate | Lecture 5 (2010)

Lec 51 - Olive Oil and Viscosity | Lecture 4 (2010)

Lec 52 - An Introduction to Computational Multiphysics: Motivations for Triple-M Modeling

Lec 53 - Science and Cooking: A Dialogue | Lecture 1 (2010)

Lec 54 - Sous-vide Cooking: a State of Matter | Lecture 2 (2010)

Lec 55 - Brain Candy: How Desserts Slow the Passage of Time | Lecture 3 (2010)

Lec 56 - Statistical Signal Processing for Modern High-Dimensional Data Sets

Lec 57 - Acute Infectious Diseases in Space and Time with Bryan Grenfell

Lec 58 - Food Webs in River Networks with Mary Power

Lec 59 - Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air with David MacKay

Lec 60 - Energy Innovation at Scale with Steven Koonin

Lec 61 - Books to Bench to Bedside Informatics for Autism Research

Lec 62 - An Introduction to the Dataverse Network as an Infrastructure for Data Sharing

Lec 63 - Astronomy as I See It

Lec 64- CS50 / Week 0: Wednesday

Lec 65 - CS50 / Week 2: Wednesday

Lec 66 - Harvard Microrobotics Laboratory micro-aerial vehicle

Lec 67 - CS50 / Week 12: Monday

Lec 68 - CS50 / Week 11: Monday

Lec 69 - CS50 / Week 10: Monday

Lec 70 - CS50 / Week 9: Wednesday

Lec 71 - CS50 / Week 9: Monday

Lec 72 - CS50 / Week 8: Wednesday

Lec 73 - CS50 / Week 8: Monday

Lec 74 - CS50 / Week 7: Wednesday

Lec 75 - CS50 / Week 7: Monday

Lec 76 - CS50 / Week 5: Wednesday

Lec 77 - CS50 / Week 5: Monday

Lec 78 - CS50 / Week 4: Wednesday

Lec 79 - CS50 / Week 4: Monday

Lec 80 - CS50 / Week 3: Wednesday

Lec 81 - CS50 / Week 3: Monday

Lec 82 - CS50 / Week 2: Monday

Lec 83 - CS50 / Week 1: Friday

Lec 84 - CS50 / Week 1: Wednesday

Lec 85 - CS50 / Week 0: Friday

Lec 86 - Harvard Stem Cell Institute - Progress report

Lec 87 - Stem Cells: Mending a broken heart?

Lec 88 - Sweeping for Thompson Island hoppers

Lec 89 - Judah M. Folkman, MD

Lec 90 - E.O. Wilson, the

Lec 91 - Shaq Attacks Sleep Apnea

Lec 92 - Invaders in Action: Ovarian Cancer Cells Bully Their Way Through Tissue

Lec 93 - Shaq Attacks Sleep Apnea

Lec 94 - Prof. Lene Hau: Stopping light cold

Lec 95 - Harvard's green commitment

Lec 96 - Roughing it on Great Brewster Island

Lec 97 - Tree huggers

Lec 98 - Open Sources and Crowdsourced: The Promise and peril of Shared Genetic Information

Lec 99 - Individual Rights to Genetic Information: Issues for Medicine and Government

Lec 100 - Science and Technology Studies: Defining the Boundaries

Lec 101 - Historical Context and Demos Illustrating the Relationship of Food and Science | Lecture 1 (2011)