"Lec 4 - Philosophers and Kings: Plato's Republic, I-II" Introduction to Political Philosophy (PLSC 114) Lecture 4 introduces Plato's Republic and its many meanings in the context of moral psychology, justice, the power of poetry and myth, and metaphysics. The Republic is also discussed as a utopia, presenting an extreme vision of a polis--Kallipolis--Plato's ideal city. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction 03:04 - Chapter 2. What Is Plato's "Republic" About? 17:38 - Chapter 3. I Went Down to the Piraeus 22:05 - Chapter 4. The Seventh Letter 30:00 - Chapter 5. Analyzing the Beginning of "Republic" and the Hierarchy of Characters 38:13 - Chapter 6. Cephalus Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2006.
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Tags: Adeimantus Anabasis catabasis Glaucon Kallipolis Niceratus Nicias Peace Piraeus Polemarchus polis Odyssey Thrasymachus Xenophon
Uploaded by: yalepolphi ( Send Message ) on 28-08-2012.
Duration: 47m 15s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Introduction: What is Political Philosophy?
Lec 2 - Socratic Citizenship: Plato's Apology
Lec 3 - Socratic Citizenship: Plato's Crito
Lec 5 - Philosophers and Kings: Plato's Republic, III-IV
Lec 6 - Philosophers and Kings: Plato's Republic, V
Lec 7 - The Mixed Regime and the Rule of Law: Aristotle's Politics, I, III
Lec 8 - The Mixed Regime and the Rule of Law: Aristotle's Politics, IV
Lec 9 - The Mixed Regime and the Rule of Law: Aristotle's Politics, VII
Lec 10 - New Modes and Orders: Machiavelli's The Prince (chaps. 1-12)
Lec 11 - New Modes and Orders: Machiavelli's The Prince (chaps. 13-26)
Lec 12 - The Sovereign State: Hobbes' Leviathan
Lec 13 - The Sovereign State: Hobbes' Leviathan
Lec 14 - The Sovereign State: Hobbes' Leviathan
Lec 15 - Constitutional Government: Locke's Second Treatise (1-5)
Lec 16 - Constitutional Government: Locke's Second Treatise (7-12)
Lec 17 - Constitutional Government: Locke's Second Treatise (13-19)
Lec 18 - Democracy and Participation: Rousseau's Discourse
Lec 19 - Democracy and Participation: Rousseau's Discourse
Lec 20 - Democracy and Participation: Rousseau's Social Contract, I-II
Lec 21 - Democratic Statecraft: Tocqueville's Democracy in America
Lec 22 - Democratic Statecraft: Tocqueville's Democracy in America
Lec 23 - Democratic Statecraft: Tocqueville's Democracy in America