"Lec 14 - Introduction to the Four-Vector" Fundamentals of Physics (PHYS 200) The four-vector is introduced that unifies space-time coordinates x, y, z and t into a single entity whose components get mixed up under Lorentz transformations. The length of this four-vector, called the space-time interval, is shown to be invariant (the same for all observers). Likewise energy and momentum are unified into the energy-momentum four-vector. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Recap—Consequences of the Lorentz Transformations 06:25 - Chapter 2. Causality Paradoxes: "Killing the Grandmother" 15:22 - Chapter 3. A New Understanding of Space-Time 25:51 - Chapter 4. Introducing the Fourth Dimension and Four-Vector Algebra 44:09 - Chapter 5. The Space-Time Interval, or "Proper Time" 51:47 - Chapter 6. Deriving the Velocity and Momentum Vectors in Space-Time 01:04:40 - Chapter 7. The New Energy-Mass Relation Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2006.
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Channels: Physics (General)
Tags: Einstein Euclidean space Fermilab Law Conservation Energy Newtonian physics relativity
Uploaded by: yalefunphysics ( Send Message ) on 28-08-2012.
Duration: 72m 35s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Course Introduction and Newtonian Mechanics
Lec 2 - Vectors in Multiple Dimensions
Lec 3 - Newton's Laws of Motion
Lec 4 - Newton's Laws (cont.) and Inclined Planes
Lec 5 - Work-Energy Theorem and Law of Conservation of Energy
Lec 6 - Law of Conservation of Energy in Higher Dimensions
Lec 8 - Dynamics of Multiple-Body System and Law of
Lec 9 - Rotations, Part I: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
Lec 10 - Rotations, Part II: Parallel Axis Theorem
Lec 12 - Introduction to Relativity
Lec 13 - Lorentz Transformation
Lec 15 - Four-Vector in Relativity
Lec 16 - The Taylor Series and Other Mathematical Concepts
Lec 17 - Simple Harmonic Motion
Lec 18 - Simple Harmonic Motion (cont.) and Introduction to Waves
Lec 20 - Fluid Dynamics and Statics and Bernoulli's Equation
Lec 22 - The Boltzmann Constant and First Law of Thermodynamics
Lec 23 - The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Carnot's Engine
Lec Last - The Second Law of Thermodynamics (cont.) and Entropy