Lec 11 - The past and future of future scenarios in LTER - Harvard Forest. The past and future of future scenarios in LTER -- Jonathan Thompson Harvard Forest Symposium, March 15, 2011
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Tags: forest conservation land use Harvard climate change LTER future scenarios
Uploaded by: harvardforest ( Send Message ) on 28-08-2012.
Duration: 17m 23s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Harvard University
Lec 1 - Opening Remarks at the 22nd Annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium - Harvard Forest
Lec 2 - Microbial Ecology at Harvard Forest - Harvard Forest
Lec 3 - Foundation tree species loss - Harvard Forest
Lec 5 - Vegetation response to episodic disturbance - Harvard Forest
Lec 6 - Human Health and Global Change - Harvard Forest
Lec 7 - Boston ULTRA-Ex: Metabolism across urban-to-rural gradients - Harvard Forest
Lec 10 - Integrating boundary-spanning efforts into long-term ecological research - Harvard Forest
Lec 12 - Discussion of Emerging Directions - Harvard Forest
Lec 13 - The water cycle and real-time data - Harvard Forest
Lec 14 - Fluxes between the forest & atmosphere - Harvard Forest
Lec 15 - Stream biogeochemistry - Harvard Forest
Lec 16 - Integrating long-term experiments & measurements - Harvard Forest