Lec 5 - TEDxCaltech - Zvi Bern - Feynman Diagrams: Past, Present, Future

Lec 5 - TEDxCaltech - Zvi Bern - Feynman Diagrams: Past, Present, Future. Zvi Bern is currently Professor of Physics at UCLA.  He received undergraduate degrees in physics and mathematics from MIT and a PhD in theoretical particle physics from UC Berkeley.  He is widely known in theoretical physics for research into improved ways of calculating Feynman diagrams without using Feynman diagrams, offering new insights into quantum gravity and into experiments to be carried out at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. He has won a Sloan Foundation Award and an Outstanding Junior Investigator Award from the U.S. Department of Energy. About TEDx, x = independently organized event: In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.) On January 14, 2011, Caltech hosted TEDxCaltech, an exciting one-day event to honor Richard Feynman, Nobel Laureate, Caltech physics professor, iconoclast, visionary, and all-around "curious character." Visit TEDxCaltech.com for more details.

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Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - TEDxCaltech - Highlights - 1/14/11

Lec 2 - TEDxCaltech - Scott Aaronson - Physics in the 21st Century: Toiling in Feynman's Shadow

Lec 3 - TEDxCaltech - David Awschalom - Spintronics: Abandoning Perfection for the Quantum Age

Lec 4 - TEDxCaltech - Angela Belcher - Engineering Biology to Make Materials for Energy Devices

Lec 6 - TEDxCaltech - Drew Berry - Visualization: Biology and Complex Circuits

Lec 7 - TEDxCaltech - Pamela Björkman - Visualizing and Engineering New Anti-HIV Agents

Lec 8 - TEDxCaltech - Jehoshua Bruck - Teaching the Past; Dreaming the Future

Lec 9 - TEDxCaltech - Dennis Callahan - A Portrait of the Scientist as a Young Artist

Lec 10 - TEDxCaltech - Sean Carroll - Cosmology and the Arrow of Time

Lec 11 - TEDxCaltech - Adam Cochran - The Electronic

Lec 12 - TEDxCaltech - Steve Collins, Lyle Mays, Kongar-Ol Ondar - Tuva or Bust!

Lec 13 - TEDxCaltech - Nadine Dabby - Programming Molecular Robots

Lec 14 - TEDxCaltech - Mark E. Davis - Nanomedicines: Nanobiotech v. Cancer

Lec 15 - TEDxCaltech - S. George Djorgovski - Evolving Science and Technology in Cyberspace

Lec 16 - TEDxCaltech - Don Eigler - Moving Atoms, one-by-one

Lec 17 - TEDxCaltech - Michelle Feynman and Christopher Sykes - Fun to Imagine

Lec 18 - TEDxCaltech - Simon Fölling - Quantum Simulations

Lec 19 - TEDxCaltech - Stephen Hawking, John Preskill, Rives, Kip Thorne - Finding Things Out

Lec 20 - TEDxCaltech - Eric Heller - Freak Waves: a Visual Pathway to Discovery

Lec 21 - TEDxCaltech - Tony Hey - Feynman and Computation

Lec 22 - TEDxCaltech - Danny Hillis - Reminiscing about Richard Feynman

Lec 23 - TEDxCaltech - Sanjoy Mahajan - Rote Learning Fragments the World

Lec 24 - TEDxCaltech - Charlie Marcus - Nanoelectronics and Quantum Computation

Lec 25 - TEDxCaltech - Jeff Marlow - The Forces of Exploration

Lec 26 - TEDxCaltech - Lyle Mays and Friends

Lec 27 - TEDxCaltech - Stephen Quake - The Integrated Circuit of Biology

Lec 28 - TEDxCaltech - Rives - TEDxCaltech Deconstruction

Lec 29 - TEDxCaltech - Michael Roukes - Embracing Biocomplexity: Plenty of Room in the Middle

Lec 30 - TEDxCaltech - Leonard Susskind - Richard Feynman

Lec 31 - TEDxCaltech - Alexander Szalay - Cosmology: Science in an Exponential World

Lec 32 - TEDxCaltech - Jordan Theriot - The Pleasure of Finding Things Out

Lec 33 - TEDxCaltech - Pete Trautman - Robotic Navigation in Human Crowds

Lec 34 - TEDxCaltech - J. Craig Venter - Future Biology

Lec 35 - TEDxCaltech - Curtis Wong - WorldWide Telescope: The Interactive Sky on Your Desktop

Lec 36 - TEDxCaltech - Teaser 2 - 1/14/11

Lec 37 - TEDxCaltech - Teaser 1 - 1/14/11