Lec 15 - A Person in the World of People: Morality

Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 110) A Person in the World of People: Morality Professor Bloom provides an introduction to psychological theories of morality. Students will learn how research in psychology has helped answer some of the most central questions about human morality. For instance, which emotions are "moral" and why did these moral feelings evolve? What factors guide our moral judgments? And what factors predict when good people will do bad things? 00:00 - Chapter 1. Kin Selection, Cooperation and Moral Feelings 23:07 - Chapter 2. Moral Reasoning and Moral Judgments 38:46 - Chapter 3. Milgram's Work in the Context of Morality 46:19 - Chapter 4. Two Forces for Evil, Two Forces for Good Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2007.

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