The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) from poliovirus, a positive-strand RNA virus, is responsible for the duplication of viral genetic material (RNA). This movie highlights several features of the poliovirus RdRP, 3Dpol; many of these features are common to the RdRP's of other positive-strand RNA viruses. The first quarter of the movie provides a general overview of the structure of the enzyme, rotated 360 degrees about both the x- and y-axes. The second quarter of the movie highlights features unique to the RdRP, including an RNA-binding groove and nucleotide channel. Both of these structural elements are important for directing substrates to the active site of the enzyme. The second half of the movie details the discreet steps (i.e. kinetic mechanism) the enzyme and substrates undergo in order to duplicate the viral RNA. The information presented here is based primarily on work performed in the laboratory of Dr. Craig E. Cameron at Penn State University. Many of the key components highlighted in the movie (amino acid side-chains, nucleotides and metal-ions) have been analyzed in great detail.
Channels: Scientific Animations Molecular Biology Molecular Genetics
Tags: polymerase
Uploaded by: sertan ( Send Message ) on 05-01-2008.
Duration: 3m 22s