Course: Computer Science 61A - Spring 2008 Dnatube

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Lec 1 - CS 61A Functional Programming I

CS 61A Functional Programming I CS 61A - Spring 08 - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing;...

Lec 2 - CS 61A Functional Programming II

CS 61A Functional Programming II CS 61A - Spring 08 - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing;...

Lec 3 - CS 61A : Functions of Functions

CS 61A : Functions of Functions CS 61A - Spring 08 - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing;...

Lec 4 - CS 61A : Higher-Order Procedures

CS 61A : Higher-Order Procedures CS 61A - Spring 08 - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing;...

Lec 5 - CS 61A : Recursion and Iteration II

CS 61A : Recursion and Iteration II CS 61A - Spring 08 - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and...

Lec 6 - CS 61A : UI Recursion and Iterat ...

CS 61A : UI Recursion and Iteration III CS 61A - Spring 08 - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and...

Lec 7 - CS 61A : Data Abstraction, Seque ...

CS 61A : Data Abstraction, Sequences Calculator I CS 61A - Spring 08 - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and...

Lec 8 - CS 61A : Data Abstraction, Seque ...

CS 61A : Data Abstraction, Sequences Calculator II CS 61A - Spring 08 - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and...

Lec 9 - CS 61A : Data Abstraction, Seque ...

CS 61A : Data Abstraction, Sequences Calculator III CS 61A - Spring 08 - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming,...

Lec 10 - CS 61A Lecture 12: Hierarchical ...

CS 61A Lecture 12: Hierarchical Data CS 61A - Spring 08 - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and...

Lec 11 - CS 61A Lecture 13: Hierarchical ...

CS 61A Lecture 13: Hierarchical Data II CS 61A - Spring 08 - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and...

Lec 12 - CS 61A Lecture 14: Interpreter

CS 61A Lecture 14: Interpreter CS 61A - Spring 08 - The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing;...

Lec 13 - CS 61A : Generic Operators I

CS 61A : Generic Operators I CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b)...

Lec 14 - CS 61A : Generic Operators II

CS 61A : Generic Operators II CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b)...

Lec 15 - CS 61A : Object-Oriented Progra ...

CS 61A : Object-Oriented Programming I CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and...

Lec 16 - CS 61A : Object-Oriented Progra ...

CS 61A : Object-Oriented Programming II CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and...

Lec 17 - CS 61A : Object-Oriented Progra ...

CS 61A : Object-Oriented Programming III CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and...

Lec 18 - CS 61A : Assignment, State, Env ...

CS 61A : Assignment, State, Environments I CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and...

Lec 19 - CS 61A : Assignment, State, Env ...

CS 61A : Assignment, State, Environments II CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and...

Lec 20 - CS 61A : Mutable Data

CS 61A : Mutable Data CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between...

Lec 21 - CS 61A : Vectors I

CS 61A : Vectors I CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between...

Lec 22 - CS 61A : Assignment, State, Env ...

CS 61A : Assignment, State, Environments III CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and...

Lec 23 - CS 61A : Vectors II

CS 61A : Vectors II CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between...

Lec 24 - CS 61A : Client Server

CS 61A : Client Server CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between...

Lec 25 - CS 61A : Concurrency I

CS 61A : Concurrency I CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between...

Lec 26 - CS 61A : Concurrency II

CS 61A : Concurrency II CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between...

Lec 27 - CS 61A : Streams

CS 61A : Streams CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between...

Lec 28 - CS 61A : Shell Programming I

CS 61A : Shell Programming I CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b)...

Lec 29 - CS 61A : Metacircular Evaluation I

CS 61A : Metacircular Evaluation I CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing;...

Lec 30 - CS 61A : Shell Programming II

CS 61A : Shell Programming II CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b)...

Lec 31 - CS 61A : Metacircular Evaluation II

CS 61A : Metacircular Evaluation II CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing;...

Lec 32 - CS 61A : Mapreduce I

CS 61A : Mapreduce I CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between...

Lec 33 - CS 61A : Mapreduce II

CS 61A : Mapreduce II CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between...

Lec 34 - CS 61A : Analyzing Eval

CS 61A : Analyzing Eval CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between...

Lec 35 - CS 61A : Therac

CS 61A : Therac CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between...

Lec 36 - CS 61A : Lazy Evaluation I

CS 61A : Lazy Evaluation I CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b)...

Lec 37 - CS 61A : Nondeterministic Evalu ...

CS 61A : Nondeterministic Evaluation CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing;...

Lec 38 - CS 61A : Logic Programming I

CS 61A : Logic Programming I CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b)...

Lec 39 - CS 61A : Logic Programming II

CS 61A : Logic Programming II CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b)...

Lec 40 - CS 61A : Review I

CS 61A : Review I CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between...

Lec 41 - CS 61A : Review II

CS 61A : Review II CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Instructor Brian Harvey Spring 2008 Introduction to programming and computer science. This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between...

Computer Science 61A - Spring 2008

Source of these courses is berkeley 
This course exposes students to techniques of abstraction at several levels: (a) within a programming language, using higher-order functions, manifest types, data-directed programming, and message-passing; (b) between programming languages, using functional and rule-based languages as examples - Professor Brian Harvey Lectures 5 & 6 contain copyright material and will be public when permission is granted.
berkeley  Website:

COURSE NAME: Computer Science 61A - Spring 2008