Breast augmentatin and implant

تجميل وتكبير الثدي الدكتور كمال حسين صالح استشاري طب وجراحة التجميل والتكميل والليزر مستشفى العمادي-دوحة -قطر/nDR. KAMAL HUSSEIN SALEH CONSULTANT COSMETIC SURGEON AL EMADI HOSPITAL-QATAR-DOHA AMERICAN BOARD CERTIFICATE AESTHETIC MEDICINE Cosmetic surgery,mammoplasty,breast surgery,tummy tuck,hair transplantation,liposuction ,Dermolipectomy ,congenital anomalies,skin tumor,laser,titan,hand surgery,botox injection,mesotherapy,rastalyine injection,RHINOPLASTY,NOSE JOB ,BOOBS JOB

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Channels: Medical

Tags: boob surgery augmentatin

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 03-01-2010.

Duration: 0m 15s