The Formula for Generalizing a Ricatti solution

The Formula for Generalizing a Ricatti solution The classic technique for generalizing a solution of a Ricatti ordinary differential equation, given a known solution amounts to an algorithm using that known solution. However, the algorithm is superfluous in view of the formula presented in the theorem, here. it should be noted, if not clear enough, that this is not a generalization of a Ricatti solution, given a solution, but another solution, given one (just as the reduction of order formula for an HLODE is not a general solution given one, but another, given one). ... as the analysis, here, shows. Please support my efforts to help and enlighten humanity in the best way I can by purchasing what books of mine appeal to you. Visit some of my site pages to find many of my books, articles, papers, videos and links, here: https://independent.academia.edu/CLAUDEMICHAELCASSANO https://www.pinterest.com/cloudmichael/?eq=cassano&etslf=14806 https://www.youtube.com/user/cloudmichael11 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvOBUg1YCPWuF2PZAvdIDWg http://vixra.org/author/claude_michael_cassano Visit my author page on amazon.com to find my books available on Kindle in digital and some in print at the website, here: http://www.amazon.com/Claude-Michael-Cassano/e/B008MD6CVS/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1 Visit: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/claude-michael-cassano?keyword=claude+michael+ cassano&store=allproducts for my books available on NOOK and some in print at Barnes & Noble. References/n [8] Cassano, Claude M.; A Particular Solutions Formula For Inhomogeneous Arbitrary Order Linear Ordinary Differential Equations; CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 2010

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Tags: Ricatti ODE differential equation

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Duration: 3m 38s