Lec 17 - Paying Attention to Interruption: A Human-Centered Approach

"Lec 17 - Paying Attention to Interruption: A Human-Centered Approach" April 6, 2007 lecture by Brian Bailey for the Stanford University Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (CS 547). Proactive computing offers many desired benefits to users, such as enabling a high degree of awareness of peripheral information. However, notifications from proactive systems run the serious risk of interrupting users' tasks at inopportune moments, decreasing performance and increasing frustration. In this talk, Brian discusses his ongoing empirical and systems development work aimed at maintaining timely delivery of notifications while reducing costs of interruption. CS 547 | Human-Computer Interaction Seminar: http://hci.stanford.edu/seminar/ Stanford HCI Group: http://hci.stanford.edu/ Stanford Center for Professional Development: http://scpd.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanforduniversity/

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