Mastectomy Procedure

www.wss4m.com The Mastectomy Procedure If you are scheduled for a mastectomy: During the mastectomy you will be placed under general anesthesia. There will be an anesthesiologist monitoring your vital signs, and an EKG monitor will be used to monitor your heart. The actual mastectomy procedure (with axillary node dissection) takes approximately 2-3 hours. If you have chosen to have reconstructive surgery at the same time the length of the surgery will increase. When performing a simple mastectomy the surgeon will make an incision along the outskirts of the breast closest to the area of the tumor. The skin is left in one piece. The surgeon will seldom remove the nipple; however, the milk ducts and connected tissue underneath the breast skin are gently cut and removed. The surgeon will often use drainage tubes to remove excess fluid (blood and lymph node fluid) from the body. These tubes are stitched into place and will be removed when the drainage becomes less than 1 ounce per day. This usually occurs within two weeks. The surgeon will dress (bandage) the site before you awake from surgery. ref: http://www.breasthealthonline.org

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Channels: Medical

Tags: Mastectomy Procedure surgery breast removal

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 16-04-2009.

Duration: 4m 36s