Lec 13 - Building a Safer Web

"Lec 13 - Building a Safer Web" March 12, 2008 lecture by Charles Reis for the Stanford University Computer Systems Colloquium (EE 380). Web content has shifted from simple documents to active programs, but web protocols and browsers have not evolved adequately to support them. As a result, safety problems in web sites and web browsers now regularly make headlines, from browser exploits to ISPs that modify web pages. In this talk, Charles Reis discusses his research into improving the security and reliability of web content and browsers. EE 380 | Computer Systems Colloquium: http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee380/ Stanford Computer Systems Laboratory: http://csl.stanford.edu/ Stanford Center for Professional Development: http://scpd.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanforduniversity

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