Lec 13 - Sexual Selection

"Lec 13 - Sexual Selection" Principles of Evolution, Ecology and Behavior (EEB 122) Sexual selection is a component of natural selection in which mating success is traded for survival. Natural selection is not necessarily survival of the fittest, but reproduction of the fittest. Sexual dimorphism is a product of sexual selection. In intersexual selection, a sex chooses a mate. In intrasexual selection, individuals of one sex compete among themselves for access to mates. Often honest, costly signals are used to help the sex that chooses make decisions. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction 06:53 - Chapter 2. Competing and Choosing 13:11 - Chapter 3. Competition with Sexual Dimorphism 27:29 - Chapter 4. Honest, Costly Signaling 35:55 - Chapter 5. Selection through Perception and Polyandry 43:35 - Chapter 6. Summary Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2009.

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Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - The Nature of Evolution: Selection, Inheritance, and History

Lec 2 - Basic Transmission Genetics

Lec 3 - Adaptive Evolution: Natural Selection

Lec 4 - Neutral Evolution: Genetic Drift

Lec 5 - How Selection Changes the Genetic Composition of Population

Lec 6 - The Origin and Maintenance of Genetic Variation

Lec 7 - The Importance of Development in Evolution

Lec 8 - The Expression of Variation: Reaction Norms

Lec 9 - The Evolution of Sex

Lec 10 - Genomic Conflict

Lec 11 - Life History Evolution

Lec 12 - Sex Allocation

Lec 14 - Species and Speciation

Lec 15 - Phylogeny and Systematics

Lec 16 - Comparative Methods: Trees, Maps, and Traits

Lec 17 - Key Events in Evolution

Lec 18 - Major Events in the Geological Theatre

Lec 19 - The Fossil Record and Life's History

Lec 20 - Coevolution

Lec 21 - Evolutionary Medicine

Lec 22 - The Impact of Evolutionary Thought on the Social Sciences

Lec 23 - The Logic of Science

Lec 24 - Climate and the Distribution of Life on Earth

Lec 25 - Interactions with the Physical Environment

Lec 26 - Population Growth: Density Effects

Lec 27 - Interspecific Competition

Lec 28 - Ecological Communities

Lec 29 - Island Biogeography and Invasive Species

Lec 30 - Energy and Matter in Ecosystems

Lec 31 - Why So Many Species? The Factors Affecting Biodiversity

Lec 32 - Economic Decisions for the Foraging Individual

Lec 33 - Evolutionary Game Theory: Fighting and Contests

Lec 34 - Mating Systems and Parental Care

Lec 35 - Alternative Breeding Strategies

Lec Last - Selfishness and Altruism