Lec 20 - Fluid Dynamics and Statics and Bernoulli's Equation

"Lec 20 - Fluid Dynamics and Statics and Bernoulli's Equation" Fundamentals of Physics (PHYS 200) The focus of the lecture is on fluid dynamics and statics. Different properties are discussed, such as density and pressure. Archimedes' Principle is introduced and demonstrated through a number of problems. The final topic of the lecture is Bernoulli's Equation. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction to Fluid Dynamics and Statics — The Notion of Pressure 04:14 - Chapter 2. Fluid Pressure as a Function of Height 20:49 - Chapter 3. The Hydraulic Press 26:32 - Chapter 4. Archimedes' Principle 36:36 - Chapter 5. Bernoulli's Equation 39:12 - Chapter 6. The Equation of Continuity 53:41 - Chapter 7. Applications of Bernoulli's Equation Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2006.

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