Lec 17 - Simple Harmonic Motion

"Lec 17 - Simple Harmonic Motion" Fundamentals of Physics (PHYS 200) The focus of the lecture is simple harmonic motion. Professor Shankar gives several examples of physical systems, such as a mass M attached to a spring, and explains what happens when such systems are disturbed. Amplitude, frequency and period of simple harmonic motion are also defined in the course of the lecture. Several problems are solved in order to demonstrate various cases of oscillation. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Example Equations of Oscillating Objects 10:49 - Chapter 2. Superposition of Solutions to Linear (Harmonic) Equations 30:16 - Chapter 3. Conditions for Solutions to Harmonic Equations 38:57 - Chapter 4. Exponential Functions as Generic Solutions 50:48 - Chapter 5. Undamped, Under-damped and Over-damped Oscillations 01:00:28 - Chapter 6. Driving Harmonic Force on Oscillator Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2006.

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