Lec 2 - Foundations: This Is Your Brain

Foundations: This Is Your Brain Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 110) This lecture introduces students to two broad theories of how the mind relates to the body. Dualism is the ubiquitous and intuitive feeling that our conscious mind is separate from our physical bodies, whereas Materialism is the idea that all of our mental states are caused by physical states of the brain. This lecture reviews arguments explaining why materialism has become the predominant theory of mind in psychology. This discussion is followed by a basic overview of the neurophysiology of the brain. 00:00 - Chapter 1. The Brain, the Mind and Dualism 12:06 - Chapter 2. Scientific Consensus Against Dualism 19:28 - Chapter 3. The Neuron: The Basic Building Blocks of Thought 32:58 - Chapter 4. The Different Parts of the Brain 44:47 - Chapter 5. Mechanist Conception and the Hard Problem of Consciousness Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2007.

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Tags: Consciousness Descartes Dualism Materialism

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Duration: 53m 19s

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